After an amazing one year working with Okteto, I am back in the job market looking for another place to contribute my excellent skills to.

At Okteto, I was responsible for handling community affairs as well as create technical and later on marketing content for the audience - users, customers, etc.

Professionally, I have 4+ years worth of experience writing technical articles for various blogs ( listed at the end of this blog post ), as well as a documentation for a joint crypto library. I have also recorded a numbers of videos on Youtube for Okteto as well.

Safe to say that I am skilled at what I do - Technical writing.

Is writing all you do?

No. I happen to be a skilled Python programmer primarily focused on building quick toolings and building web APIs with FastAPI:



Still WIP: Building Web APIs with Python and FastAPI


  1. Auth0 - 2 articles.
  2. TestDriven - 3 articles.
  3. Smashing Magazine - 1 article.
  4. LogRocket - 12 articles.
  5. Okteto - 19 Articles and videos ( inclusive).

What offers are you looking for?

I'm actively open to technical writing contracts, and FastAPI related contracts of any duration.

How can I reach you?

Please shoot me a mail,